Question about costs and casting

Kisses And Caroms Discussion Board: Question about costs and casting


Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 06:05 am
Hi, i saw your post on and since you had so much enthusiasm, i decided to check out your site. I was nicely suprised that the site had so much extra info. As i'm prepering myself for a shoot (that should begin in September) i wan to ask about your projected budget. I'm hoping to raize some money and figured out that i should have around $15-20,000 for the shoot to begin. As we are doing things in a similar "cheap" way i was wondering whether i'm too optymistic or pesimistic with my predictions.

Another question is casting. Did you place an add in local newspaper or did similar thing to get such large number of respondents?

Vince (Vince)

Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 01:22 pm
First, your budget should be kept a secret. At least until you've sold the flick.

Your predictions are on track. Depending on many factors. Our shoot is basically a one room stage play. The 3 locations needed will not cost us a penny.

We have NO special effects, and Make up is just to make my actors look prettier. I think they look fine. Especially Nikki and Nicole.

Contracts! Get everything in writing. It helps, A lot.

My friend Jay Beeber (Producer/Casting Director) has worked as a casting director for other flicks. He placed ad's in Back Stage West and Breakdown Services. Breakdown Services is only available to casting directors. BSW should be enough for you to find your cast, but you should get a Casting Director. Also we got great results form and it'd FREE!

Jay handled the daunting task of calling all these people in. If we saw 50 people, rest assured Jay called 150. He also prepared the sides and read with the actors. He even had to call the Call Backs back to tell them they didn't get the part :-(.

For fund raising; you may want to consider setting up a web site. This site has done wonders for our credibility. People can SEE that we mean what we say. It gives people something tangible to look at.

Let me know if I can be any other help.


Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 04:01 pm
Wow, thanks a lot! Very helpful stuff.

wouldnt you like to know?

Monday, July 21, 2003 - 01:45 am
And also get recommendations from Vince, he has very good taste in Actors

vince sheep shagger

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 03:05 pm
vince, id just like to say i was glad you got rid of the mullet the last time i saw you in "vegas baby". seeing you and the dood very soon hopefully!
vince(the better looking vince)

Vince (Vince)

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 09:45 pm
Mullets are cool, Biz in the front, party in the back. I would still have it, but it was just time for a change. I do see more people wearing 80's garb again so the Mullet could be making a come back.

What's a dood?

Come play Naked White Guy Punk!

Michael (Michael)

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 - 10:45 pm
I am the Dood!

Also for gruby.....Use everybody you know in every capacity you can to help cut costs. Ask for help and see who the people are that believe in you. Your grandma could be craft services, your brother a PA.

Sheep Shagger...We are trying to get Scotty in it also. Although we may have to blackmail him with the infamous Central Park pic. You are so money!