Kisses And Caroms Discussion Board: IMDB


Friday, September 19, 2003 - 10:28 am
Will K&C be in the IMDB database?

Michael (Michael)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 11:48 am
Yes it will be in the IMDB database. It was actually done a while ago but seems to be taking a long time to post.

Vince (Vince)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 06:52 pm
IMDB can lick my ass. Those BASTARDS! OK, maybe they're reading this.


They wrote us back and said they won't include our movie untill we get a distributor. Apparently this is to keep the riff raff out.

It would help if those who are already included in IMDB would add K&C to their resume.
Jay ?
Nikki ?
Nicole ?
Drew ?
Ryan ?
Bart ?
Ginger ?
Alfonso ?

And all the rest of youse!

If you don't know how to add stuff to IMDB then follow this link to Registar with IMDB. Then search your name and click update at the bottom of the page.


Friday, September 19, 2003 - 07:21 pm
I tried to add Kisses and Caroms to my listing, but it was rejected because the film is not currently in their database.


Friday, September 19, 2003 - 07:28 pm
Oh, and I'm pretty sure that at least some of the other movies that I've worked on and are listed on IMDB do not have distribution yet.

Vince (Vince)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 09:00 pm
SEE! IMDB can lick my ass!!! unless they're reading this, Then


On July 27th, 2003 at 11:46:10 PM We received the following email:

Subject:IMDb new title: Kisses and Caroms (2004)

This is an automatically generated message arising from your title submission to IMDb in the recent past.

We have not been able to add this title yet as we require more information from you in order to verify it. For further details please visit: which will explain why it could not yet be added and what you can do to help.

The IMDb additions help desk

As to why some titles make it without meeting the requirements? Well it's all who you know, or luck of the draw, or?? I say keep herassing them, they'll break! I mean hell, they're owned by, and we all know how flimsy they are. Or is it filmSee??

Side note: Herass is Her Ass! coincidence? Also, Therapist is The Rapist!

governor bob

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 09:07 pm
yeah start a mass outlash against those bastards. hell 20 people worked on this flick and im sure imbd servers will come to a screaching halt when its inundated with the flood of emails from your crew. band together. outlash. its your world. make a diffrence. take a stand. soup is good food!


Saturday, September 20, 2003 - 01:52 am
Perhaps they have changed their policy -- although they currently have tons of movies "in production". My movie HACKS has been listed for years, and only recently got any type of distribution.

I think they just hate you guys. It's personal..


Saturday, September 20, 2003 - 11:06 am
Oh, I read that link they give describing why they won't list K&C. It just needs to get in a festival. So, it won't be long now.


Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 10:26 am
Well, K&C is now on IMDB. However, when I saw it all they had was the title. No credits whatsoever. Perhaps I caught them in mid-entry?

Vince (Vince)

Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 05:51 pm
WOW! We have our own little page on IMDB!

Quick add it to your own credits page!!

Vince (Vince)

Sunday, October 05, 2003 - 01:22 am
Have another look at the IMDB page. More has been added. I'm famous!


Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 08:32 pm
But, MAAAANNN, is IMDB slooowww on posting info.

Hey, a movie poster on the site only costs $10.


Vince (Vince)

Tuesday, October 07, 2003 - 10:55 pm
I heard it was $30.00.

I'm going to add one soon and I'm going to add a pic of me to my page. I'm so Hollywood!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 08:57 am
Oo, oo! Actually cast names on the IMDB page!

Vince (Vince)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 01:30 pm
Wow, Look at that. Not all cast yet, but some is nice. Look my dog has a page. Wow, but they have him as an actress, should I update him as an actor?