Read Journals

Kisses And Caroms Discussion Board: Read Journals


Monday, December 08, 2003 - 06:29 pm
Okay, I read the last few and the first 20... the ones where you were getting into it.

First, let me say, we are very similar.

My story is a little different. I went to film school (because of CLERKS) , but before that I made stupid videos with my friends. In 1995, I saw the VX-1000 and I wanted it. As we made things with VHS, digital video (a term that sounded cool when I was 17 but meaning nothing to me back then) must be better.

right before film school I found about barnes and noble. And for the last 6 years I've spent a lot of my time reading good books. The frist one I bought was CLERKS/CHASING AMY and I used that book to write my 1st script. It took me a year to get the ideas together as it baffled my mind, but i did it during the summer between my freshman year and sophomore year.

I wrote it wiht the intention of shooting it. Never did, as I figured in film school I'm get a chance. It was all about my life in MA.

I made short films in college and taht was fun.

Saw rushmore and told myself i wanted to write a moive like that, so I wrote another script to shot that was all about Boston University.

then later i found REBEL WITHOUT A CREW and that inspired me so much. Still I did nothing.

Anyway, more details, but long story short, it's two years past film school, 7 scripts later (2 of them written with my intention of making them, 5 hoping to seel) I still didn't make a film.

Saw Clerks last Monday night and found your site via viewaskew.


I just read FROM REEL TO DEAL, Dov's 2 day film school in a book. It was good. I focused on the beginning starges and things about mini-DV, as most of it wasn't revlenat to me right now. i don't care about marketing right this second.

anyway it was good, but waht I got out of it was "shot a play" "write a great script" "use one location"

I knew use one location or what you had access to from Rebel w/o crew, so that just reinforced it.

Just liked how we both made same connections with same books. Just cool.

I just saw myself in your steps, but of course you've gone beyond me and did it.

Having a great location that you owned help, but I'm sure if i think aobut it, I can think of a one location (90% at least) idea and get it made.

But I decided it's a comedy, wiht one location. Stil haven't decided anything else though.

Vince (Vince)

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 12:39 am
Think Marketing right from the gate. I did.

Kisses And Caroms has many marketing points. Hot women, Car chase, guns, explosions, dog, cat, Boobs, sex, ect. All of which will look good on the box cover and in the trailer. Those are what will get people to watch your flick.

I'm finding that comedy is a harder sell, and I might have an easier time if I had URBANIZED and had African American and Latino characters. So keep that in mind.


Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 01:55 am
I figured comedy would be the best. I guess Horror would be the easiest sell, but it's hard to make a good horror movie that doesn't look really stupid.

I love horror and comedy. El Marachi benefited due to it being action I believe.

I vote for comedy because that's what I love and I really believe I can make a better low budget comedy than anything else.